The following cuts were approved:
- $1,000 from Mayor's In-State Travel Account
- $30,000 from Law Department's Special Counsel Acount
- $76,000 from Software License / Usage Fees Account to put the line item back to what was requested by Dept Head
- $15,000 from Software Hardware/Software Maintenance Account to put the line item back to what was requested by Dept Head
- $40,000 to eliminate the Community Mediation Program in Police Dept.
- $1,000 from Education & Training budget of Emergency Management which has been combined under Fire Dept that already has $9,000 in their account.
- $50,000 to eliminate the Mayor's proposed "Early Warning Service" Phone call system.
- $37,039 to eliminate 1 of 2 vacant Carpenter positions at DPW
- $10,000 from City Hall Annex Repair & Maintenance Acct until it is decided if Mayor's proposal to tear down building is approved by City Council
- $55,000 from Highland Fire Station Repair & Maintenance Account because the account was overfunded by 1000% from last year's expenses
- $8,000 from Other Supplies Account of DPW
- $3,000 from Out-of-State Travel Account
- $75,000 from Law Dept's Claims and Damages Account
- $790,000 from Management Service Contract to United Water
$1,191,039 CUT FROM BUDGET!
The following cuts were denied:
$6,201 from Sealer of Weights and Measures payroll account
$100,000 from Snow Removal Account
$1,000,000 additional cut from Management Service Contract to United Water (8-7 vote - see additional post on this topic)
I voted for all of the cuts except for the snow removal cut and the Sealer cut.
Hats off to the City Council for a job well done on the budget this year!!
Once all of the Final Budget Numbers are finalized - I will get the new budget placed on city website for your review.