Re-Elect Holyoke's Fiscal Watchdog!

Re-Elect Holyoke's Fiscal Watchdog!

Friday, June 20, 2008

City Council makes many cuts from Budget!

On Tuesday, June 17, 2008, the City Council convened in regular session to vote on the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. Historically, there have not been a lot of proposed cuts other than from those of us who have been pushing for more fiscal control for many years now. However, I am very happy to report that this year was very different and I was pleasantly surprised by many of the good cuts offered by many of my colleagues.

The following cuts were approved:
  • $1,000 from Mayor's In-State Travel Account
  • $30,000 from Law Department's Special Counsel Acount
  • $76,000 from Software License / Usage Fees Account to put the line item back to what was requested by Dept Head
  • $15,000 from Software Hardware/Software Maintenance Account to put the line item back to what was requested by Dept Head
  • $40,000 to eliminate the Community Mediation Program in Police Dept.
  • $1,000 from Education & Training budget of Emergency Management which has been combined under Fire Dept that already has $9,000 in their account.
  • $50,000 to eliminate the Mayor's proposed "Early Warning Service" Phone call system.
  • $37,039 to eliminate 1 of 2 vacant Carpenter positions at DPW
  • $10,000 from City Hall Annex Repair & Maintenance Acct until it is decided if Mayor's proposal to tear down building is approved by City Council
  • $55,000 from Highland Fire Station Repair & Maintenance Account because the account was overfunded by 1000% from last year's expenses
  • $8,000 from Other Supplies Account of DPW
  • $3,000 from Out-of-State Travel Account
  • $75,000 from Law Dept's Claims and Damages Account
  • $790,000 from Management Service Contract to United Water

$1,191,039 CUT FROM BUDGET!

The following cuts were denied:

$6,201 from Sealer of Weights and Measures payroll account
$100,000 from Snow Removal Account
$1,000,000 additional cut from Management Service Contract to United Water (8-7 vote - see additional post on this topic)

I voted for all of the cuts except for the snow removal cut and the Sealer cut.

Hats off to the City Council for a job well done on the budget this year!!

Once all of the Final Budget Numbers are finalized - I will get the new budget placed on city website for your review.